Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Spiders in Kindergarten

Students in Kindergarten are learning all about spiders this week! Ms. Alex and Ms. Le Anne's class visited the library this morning and got to hear a book called Be Nice to Spiders by Margaret Bloy Graham about a spider named Helen that goes to live in the zoo.  The zookeepers quickly learn that the zoo is a better place with spiders around.  We find out that the animals are happier, and the book even has a surprise in the end!

After reading Be Nice to Spiders, students enjoyed looking at the cool pictures and reading about some interesting spiders in some of our new non-fiction spider books.  Here are some pics of them reading these great books.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge

It's that time of year again...Time for the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge!  All kids in Pre-K through 5th grade will participate in this program.  Teachers have created accounts for the kids, and this week they will be logging into their accounts for the first time and logging their first minutes for the challenge.  We will have a huge celebration at the beginning of next school year.  Students can earn awards, free books, and even gift certificates for the Scholastic book fair in November.  The past couple of years, the top readers even got to throw a pie in Mr. Bryan's face!  What is in store for our next celebration?  Only time will tell!  Don't forget to log your minutes every day when you read.  Happy Reading!

Click on the link below to learn more about the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge.
